
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

October 6, 2017

Hummingbirds and the Horizons of Planetary Culture

Beija Flor
I came across the above image of a hummingbird when I was Google-ing to find out more about the hummingbird picture I saw in the local paper pictured below.
The picture of the hummingbird resting on a bird of paradise plant was taken by Steve Irwin's son Robert
Robert Irwin's print will go on the
right-hand side of my sliding door
CRIKEY! Steve Irwin’s 13 year old son, Robert, shows off his photography skills with a breathtaking collection of nature photography
I ended up buying a print from the Australia Zoo shop and I should soon have it in the post to hang on my wall opposite my picture of the kingfisher that I bought on a road-trip last year -
Panboola: Not Just for the Birds
But that story about Robert Irwin's print is for another post, which I will link here when it's written.
Hummingbirds have really been big on my sync radar of present, for both good and bad, but the hummingbird of Michael Garfield's right at the top of this post led me to this page, which led me to the You Tube interview above with William Irwin Thompson from three years ago, which I found to be very interesting.
So, if it wasn't for the words "Irwin+hummingbird" I wouldn't have come across this interview.
Although I'm sure synchronicity would have found another way.
I also find it rather interesting that WIT is born on July 16th, because that the date of the White Sands atomic bomb test and the day the first man to step on the moon (supposedly) took off from earth, July 16, 1969.
The other hummingbird synch has to do with my current reading of Graham Hancock's semi-fictional novel 'War God', which features the evil god of the Mexica referred to as hummingbird.
Watch the above video of Graham's above to realize that this is not a good omen considering where the world is today.
I don't think it's the end of the world, but the world is in for a rough ride from now on, I think.
So buckle up.
Have a listen to William Irwin Thompson's excellent video above and I'll have more posts coming on the hummingbird syncs that are flocking to me at present.
As the Chinese say, "may you live in interesting times", because for better or worse, you are.
I haven't visited the 'Future Fossils' podcast site for a few weeks, so it was interesting to see that Michael Garfield has two more current interviews with WIT


They might be dumber in Odessa, but they're not stupid, either, I say.

UPDATE: 11th October, 2017
I received the hummingbird print in the mail and it's now on my wall and I love it.
It's like it was meant to be there in some cosmic way ... but that's for a future post.
Clearly this hummingbird is not the evil god of the blood-thirsty Moctezuma II.
In a way this little bird has traveled from LA to Oz.

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